Many people have special collectible items that may have both a monetary and sentimental value. When moving, it's important to keep track of small collectibles like coins, trading cards, antiques, or pieces of jewelry. To help ensure that the items are moved properly from home to home, there are four different methods that you can consider. Each one offers a different type of protection and can give you extra reassurance so you can focus on the rest of the moving tasks. Before your move begins, having a plan in place will make things go smoothly.

Safety Deposit Box

Moving from home to home can be filled with a lot of chaos, boxes, and disorganization. Instead of worrying about where your collectibles are stored, you can easily keep track of items by renting a safety deposit box at a local bank. By using these boxes, you can store your items under lock and key. It feels good knowing exactly where the items are located and only you will have access to the safety deposit box. Rates vary on these boxes, but they are typically rented on a month by month basis, so a one month rental should be long enough to store your items while you settle down in the new home. Larger sized boxes may also be available to help you store bigger collections of items like a lot of jewelry or collector figurines.

Valuable Declarations

While moving, it's important to keep track of the items that are being transported. When working with local moving companies, part of the paperwork process includes the option of declaring valuables. During this process, you can fill out a list of all of the collectibles that the movers will be moving for you. You can make the declaration as detailed as possible, including the boxes that the items are specifically located in. Along with the declaration, you can add images of the items for further proof. Adding this extra declaration can help protect your valuables in case anything gets damaged or goes missing. Moving companies will also treat these items with special care and keep an eye on them. For example, while moving boxes out of a truck, they will not just leave the boxes in the open and vulnerable to theft.

Diversion Safes

Leaving valuables out in the open can make them more prone to theft. While packing up your home, boxes and items are often left outside or sitting near moving vehicles. To discourage the theft of your special items, you can keep them hidden by using a diversion safe. These safes are ordinary objects with a hidden compartment that can be used to store various valuables. For example, one of the more classic versions of a diversion safe is a book safe. These safes open up to reveal a hollow compartment that you can place items inside of. The safes often come with a lock so that only you can access them. Additional diversion safe designs include wall clocks, food products, and home cleaning products like a fake bottle of bleach. The spaces inside these safes are ideal for holding small collectibles like pins, necklaces, or antique coins.

Moving Insurance

Even though a number of collectibles may be irreplaceable, you can ensure that they are fully protected by purchasing moving insurance. Many local moving companies offer moving insurance as a way to protect your items in case of theft, damage, or if the items go missing. When setting up the insurance plan, you can declare a set value for these items and have it fully insured for the moving process. If anything happens, the insurance can reimburse you for the value and allow you to hopefully purchase a replacement collectible in the future.

Being fully prepared for the move can make a big difference in staying organized and protecting items. It's easy to lose track of small items, so taking the extra precautions can go a long way in helping the move.
