Commercial movers typically move entire offices and businesses to new locations. They only move what is already present in the old location to the new location, excluding certain fixtures, which often remain behind at the old location. So, if a commercial mover moved your business, how much could they move in a day? a week? It is vital information for any company/business owner trying to figure out how much to budget for moving expenses.

Trucks Used

Maybe it helps to think of the types of trucks commercial movers use to move businesses. It is fairly common to use semi trailers to move, since they are able to fit several desks and chairs inside, along with an entire storage closet of boxed supplies. If your business is on the small to extra small side, you could probably use one to two trucks to move your entire business. If it is a little larger than, say fifty employees or more, you may need a couple more semi trailers for the haul, or the movers would have to make several trips over the course of a day or more.

Distance Traveled

If you are moving your company/business locally, or moving anywhere within the continental U.S., then the semi trailers and tractors are going to be the means of transportation. Even with short distance moves, commercial movers will use these kinds of trucks just to get as much stuff to the new location in the shortest amount of time. With long distance moves, it becomes even more important to maximize the amount of stuff that can fit into a truck.

On the other hand, if you are moving to Alaska, Hawaii or overseas, the commercial movers may decide to use shipping crates. The crates are loaded up and readied for transport on the water via freighters, and then transported over land via flatbed trucks that are designed to carry shipping crates. Although cargo crates are shorter in length, they are much taller and can carry as much (if not more) of your company's belongings as a semi trailer.

Expenses Incurred

The hourly wages per mover times the number of movers, including the guys that just do the driving, is your starting point for moving expenses. Some moving companies also have different rates based on cargo crates versus semi trailers, or different rates per mile traveled. Additional charges may exist based on the number of days it takes the commercial movers to get everything out of the old building and into the new one. Get the details to various charges up front, and then you can calculate what it would cost to move everything you have to move.

Talk with a moving company like Father & Son Moving & Storage for more information.
